Thursday, October 22, 2009

Where are my keys???

So I did it again today. Locked my keys in my car....while it was running....for over an hour. Okay, stop laughing now. This is really the second time I've done this, only this time I was "smart" enough to actually lock the door. Last time I apparantly just got up out of the car and went into the store, to return to my UNLOCKED running car. At least I bothered to actually park it and didn't just pull up and run in for a shopping trip.

So my know that thing that you tether yourself to when you are on a treadmill, so that in case you somehow fall off the thing, it automatically shuts off - yea, I need that for the car. Just a little tether strap around my wrist, so when I get out of the car, the keys come with me. That, or I need that keyless start on a NEW CAR. If only something would happen to my car now so that I could get a new car....hmmm.....clearly the criminals around here can't take a hint. Guess I need to leave a sign that says TAKE ME, I'M ALREADY RUNNING AND GASED UP!


Renee said...

LOL! Those criminals aren't taking the hint are they? Maybe they know who your hubs is.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for writing this! SOOO glad you got the crazy genes!